Benign OG

BBUGGS is the Benign OG sub-specialty within AUGIS. 

British Benign Upper Gastro Intestinal Surgical Society has its own committee and holds events both alongside and with AUGIS. 

BBUGGS President

Kirk Bowling


Committee Members

Summer Update from Benign Lead


It has been another busy year for benign surgery within AUGIS. 

We ran a successful benign scientific day at the Oxford Annual Scientific Meeting with standing room only for some due to the popularity of the sessions, welcoming our colleagues from the Dutch collaborative; with big names such as Nicholas Boyle, Mr Dhiren Nehra and many others.

BBUGSS has run three successful webinars and podcasts for benign members. We have also shared new guidance for LINX in support of its new NICE recommendations.

We are looking forward to furthering the safe Lap Chole collaborative with our HPB colleagues. 

Continuing to support our Roux Group colleagues, the benign group collaborated with the Roux Weekend in March 2024 and we are in discussions with ASGBI for more benign themed presence at their Annual Scientific Meetings.

There are nearly 800 patients registered on National Hiatal Surgical Registry for hiatal PROMS follow up.

Finally, we are keen to get involved with the new General surgery curriculum with a specific focus on benign UGI training and what this should look like in the future.

June 2024