
Information for Mentees

We would like to inform our members of a new opportunity to take part as a Mentee in the AUGIS Mentoring Scheme. We hope that this programme will offer ST5 - Senior Trainees, SAS Doctors, IMGs and Early Years Consultants a Mentor to guide in areas such as, personal development, learning, lifestyle and work-life balance.

As part of the new AUGIS Mentoring Scheme, we have recently trained 20 AUGIS Members to become Mentors.  Based in all corners of the UK, across all UGI subspecialties including benign OG and EGS, bariatrics, HPB and resectional OG, each Mentor can offer mentoring to 1 - 2 mentees (ST5 - Senior Trainees, SAS Doctor, IMG or Early Years Consultant), based on a first come first served basis. 

As a ST5 - senior trainee or early years Consultant we want you to feel supported. So if you are ST5 or above, or if you are an SAS Doctor or IMG and would like to have a mentor, we would like to hear from you.

About Mentoring

A Mentor can

  • help to develop your skills and knowledge
  • share their own career story and introduce you to others to build your network
  • guide towards opportunities within your career
  • support you to set goals and take action
  • help you to look at challenges in a new way
  • signpost you to further advice and further help if required


As a Mentee, you set the agenda which can be about anything, for example:

  • applications
  • management roles
  • a difficult day at work 
  • a difficult working relationship 
  • the impact of a major life event (eg relationship, children, return to work) on your work

You will not necessarily be given advice or answers however you will be challenged and encouraged to be resourceful.

  • Mentoring is confidential.
  • Mentors are independent to your clinical and educational environments.
  • Mentors are non-judgemental and want you to succeed

All mentors have been trained through the AUGIS/Roux Group/ASiT mentoring course

Previous participants (from ASiT scheme) have said:
'Very useful to discuss an incident of witnessed bullying with my mentor.'
'Found each session useful and have taken something novel away every time.'
'It has kept me focused on my goals when I was doubting myself.'

Joining the Scheme as a Mentee

If you are interested in being a mentee please could we ask you to complete the AUGIS Mentee Application form and return it to Hana Taylor in the AUGIS office at

Click here to view and download the AUGIS Mentee Application Form

Your form will be used to choose a suitable Mentor.

All Mentee Applications will be treated confidentially and will be stored securely (GDPR Compliant).

To be a mentee for the AUGIS mentoring scheme you will need to agree to the following:

  • Commitment to the scheme and your mentor(s)
  • Adherence to the code of conduct and confidentiality policies
  • Be current and paid up member of AUGIS


We welcome applications at any time, and if you would like to commence with the mentorship scheme in January 2024, may we ask you to send in your application to the AUGIS office by the 26th November 2023.

If you have any questions at all please email the AUGIS office.

This is a pilot scheme and will be evaluated next year, however the overall intention is to roll this scheme out to all members of AUGIS in the future (including non-trainees, senior doctors and Allied Health Professionals).

AUGIS Mentee Application Form 2023

Forms and information for Mentees

Below are forms for Mentees, including the application form and if you are successfuly paired with a Mentor, Mentees would need to read the Mentorshiop Ground rules before completing the Mentorship Agreement form.

AUGIS Mentee Application Form 2023

AUGIS Mentorship Agreement Form

AUGIS Mentorship Ground Rules

AUGIS Mentee Feedback Form