Abstract Information


Please find below information regarding abstracts accepted for presentation at the 27th AUGIS Annual Scientific Meeting taking place at the Bridgewater Hall, Manchester from Wednesday 11 – Friday 13 September 2024 

AUGIS Abstracts have been submitted for the following categories:

  • Allied Health Professionals/CNS’
  • Benign Upper GI
  • Bariatrics
  • Emergency Surgery
  • Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
  • HPB
  • OG Cancer 
  • Sustainability in Surgery
  • Medical Students
  • Video Presentation

Please note that abstracts accepted and presented at AUGIS 2024 will be published online with the British Journal of Surgery after the event.


Notification date: Wednesday 17 July 2024
Contact nichola@augis.org if if you have any questions. 

Abstract Portal

Code of Conduct


Presentation Categories

Accepted abstract submissions will be for one of the following categories:

  • Free Papers and Prize Papers Oral Presentation (relevant sub-specialty)
  • Short Oral Presentation (relevant sub-specialty)
  • Video presentations  
  • Medical Student

Successful authors will be notified by email as to which session their abstract has been accepted for. Please note that we cannot accommodate requests to present in specific session as all abstracts are reviewed and marked by the Abstract Marking committee and assigned their session spot as appropriate. We cannot respond to requests to change presentation sessions or categories.

Requirements to present at AUGIS 2024

 Please note that we do not offer one day registration to attend the meeting. 


Free Paper and Prize Paper Oral Presentations

The Free Papers and Prize Paper Oral Presentations take place on the 12th and 13th September 2024

Free Paper and Prize Paper Oral Presentations – Information for Authors

We ask that all Prize Paper and Free Paper Presentations are made in person in Manchester. If the presenting author is not able to attend in person to present, please could you arrange for a co-author to present in person on their behalf and notify AUGIS at nichola@augis.org.

Further guidance

Please ensure that only one author is presenting your free paper and please contact nichola@augis.org if this information needs updating. If for any reason you wish to withdraw your abstract presentation from AUGIS 2024, please inform the office immediately.

Click here to view the Free Papers and Prize Paper Oral Presentations timetable. This will include details of when you will be presenting. Please make a note of your Submission number and your Presentation number.

  • All presentations are to be compiled using Power Point and should be saved to a USB stick. Any video/film content should be supplied separately, either via USB or DVD and not embedded within the presentation.
  • If you wish to send your presentation before the meeting, please upload to the following Dropbox folder by Friday 6th September 2024: Dropbox Folder
  • If you upload your presentation beforehand please ensure you bring a copy of your presentation on the day in case of any technical issues
  • Please ensure you name your presentation as follows: Surname_Day of Presentation_Category: eg: Bartlett_Thursday_HPB
  • Please ensure that your presentations and/or videos are in 16:9 ratio
  • If you are unable to upload your presentation beforehand you will be required to provide their presentations to the Audio Visual Technician, from 12:00 on Wednesday afternoon and/or from 8am on Thursday
  • Abstracts accepted for the Prize Paper Session on Friday 13 September will have 5 minutes for their presentation and 2 minutes for questions
  • Abstracts accepted for the Free Paper Sessions on Thursday 12 September will have 5 minutes for their presentation and 2 minutes for questions.

Short Oral Presentations

The Free Papers and Prize Paper Oral Presentations take place during the lunchtime break on Thursday 12th September 2024

We ask that all Short Oral Presentations are made in person in Manchester. If the presenting author is not able to attend in person to present, please could you arrange for a co-author to present in person on their behalf and notify AUGIS at nichola@augis.org.

Further guidance

Please ensure that only one author is presenting your free paper and please contact nichola@augis.org if this information needs updating. If for any reason you wish to withdraw your abstract presentation from AUGIS 2024, please inform the office immediately.

Click here to view the Short Oral Presentations provisioinal timetable.

Please make a note of your Submission number and your Presentation number. In due course this will include details of your time slot and location for presenting. All authors will be emailed with this information in due course. 

Short Oral Presentations – Information for Authors

Presenting authors of abstracts accepted for Short Oral Presentation will be required to present their abstract during the lunchtime break (13:00 – 14:00) on Thursday 12th September 2024 in Manchester.

The Short Oral Presentations will be presented on monitor screens and authors will be required to upload their presentation prior to the meeting and by Sunday 1st September 2024 (see details below). 

Further guidance

  • Presenting authors will have 2 minutes for their presentation and 1 minute for questions from the Short Oral Reviewer.
  • Short Orals must be presented as one slide and there must not be any animation.
  • Only one presenting author is permitted for each Short Oral Presentation. If you have multiple authors as presenters please confirm your presenting author to Nichola Bartlett (nichola@augis..org) and please quote your Submission number.
  • Presenting authors must be at the relevant screen in the relevant location at the time designated for their presentation and if the presenting author is not at the screen at the time designated the abstract will not be considered for a presentation prize.
  • Presenting authors must be registered to attend the AUGIS Annual Scientific Meeting and online registration is at: AUGIS > Events & Webinars > AUGIS 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting > AUGIS 2024 Registration
  • All Short Oral Presentations must be submitted online via the Oxford Abstract portal. We would recommend that your Short Oral is created in landscape format and must be saved as a one page pdf document before uploading on to the portal.
  • The link to submit your short oral presentation is: https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/stages/65121/submitter

Please note there will be no physical posters at the meeting

Authors will be sent the timetable in due course, which will include the location and time for the presenting author to attend. This will also include information on the screen for their presentation. All authors will be required to confirm their attendance for the time of their presentation by emailing: nichola@augis.org by Sunday 1st September 2024.

Video Presentations

The Video Presentations Session  will be taking place from 09:00 – 10:45 on Thursday 12 September 2024.

Video Presentations – Information for Authors

We ask that all Video Presentations are made in person in Manchester. If the presenting author is not able to attend in person to present, please could you arrange for a co-author to present in person on their behalf and notify AUGIS at nichola@augis.org.

Further guidance

Please ensure that only one author is presenting your video presentaton and please contact nichola@augis.org if this information needs updating. If for any reason you wish to withdraw your abstract presentation from AUGIS 2024, please inform the office immediately.

Click here to view the Video Presentations timetable.

This includes details of when you will be presenting. Please make a note of your Submission number and your Presentation number.

  • Presenting authors will have 4 minutes for their presentation and 2 minutes for questions.

Please note:  

  • Videos should be approximately 4 minutes in duration
  • Non-professional productions and voice-over
  • Please use a platform such as Vimeo or You Tube (private) and copy the link to your video into the relevant “Video Submissions” section on the abstract submission portal.
  • AUGIS will use the link you have provided in your Submission for your video presentation.


Medical Student Presentations

Medical Students Oral Presentations which will be taking place from 09:00 – 10:45 on Thursday 12 September 2024.

Medical Students Oral Presentations – Information for Authors

We ask that all Medical Student Oral Presentations are made in person in Manchester. If the presenting author is not able to attend in person to present, please could you arrange for a co-author to present in person on their behalf and notify AUGIS at nichola@augis.org.

Further guidance

Please ensure that only one author is presenting your free paper and please contact nichola@augis.org if this information needs updating. If for any reason you wish to withdraw your abstract presentation from AUGIS 2024, please inform the office immediately.

Please click here to view the Medical Student Presentations provisional timetable

This will include details of when you will be presenting. Please make a note of your Submission number and your Presentation number.

  • All presentations are to be compiled using Power Point and should be saved to a USB stick. Any video/film content should be supplied separately, either via USB or DVD and not embedded within the presentation.
  • If you wish to send your presentation before the meeting, please upload to the following Dropbox folder by Friday 6th September 2024: Dropbox Folder
  • If you upload your presentation beforehand please ensure you bring a copy of your presentation on the day in case of any technical issues
  • Please ensure you name your presentation as follows: Surname_Day of Presentation_Category: eg: Bartlett_Thursday_HPB
  • Please ensure that your presentations and/or videos are in 16:9 ratio
  • Abstracts accepted for the Medical Students Presentation Session on Thursday 12 September will have 3 minutes for their presentation and 2 minutes for questions